Our Box Office sessions are recorded versions of training workshops, which are streamed to your computer.

You see Dem's power point presentation on your screen, and listen to the verbal presentation through your speakers. At the end of the presentation, you can send your follow-up questions to Dem. Any questions will be answered within 24 hours.

If you missed a seminar, or want to use a session as part of your training, you haven't lost the opportunity to get Dem's latest thinking! Through DEMsays Box Office you schedule the date and time to bring Dem right into your office to train you and your staff so you can watch the session right now!

DEMsays Box Office is the next best thing to having Dem right there, but at a cost that makes attending hard to resist.

How do I order a Box Office session?

It's easy. First select the title of the session from the list of Current Box Office sessions. Below to the description is a button: "Buy Ticket". Click that button and place your online order.

DEMsays members, be sure to be logged in to get your member discount!

Great for virtual office training, rookie recruiter training, or for regular office training programs!

Follow The Money

Follow The Money Video
How do top billers get Job Orders! CLUE: They DON’T make cold marketing calls all day long, and guess what…? SURPRISE: They not only do...

Guarantee as a Sales Tool

Guarantee as a Sales Tool  Video
Do you guarantee your candidates? For how long? What is it you guarantee? And exactly when did you become clairvoyant? Most agencies inherited their guarantee policy from their...

Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait Video
No, it's not your imagination. Clients are taking longer to make offers to your candidates. Most DEMsays members tell us their "Time to Fill" ratio has increased, some ...

Placement Warning Signs

Placement Warning Signs Video
When you lose a placement, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Your client and/or candidate have been trying to tell you for days and even weeks that they have changed their mind. B...

Counter Offers: The Perfect Storm

 Counter Offers: The Perfect Storm Video
Historically, covering counter offer was an event, "Did you remember to cover counter offer?” It was a lecture more than a discussion. It's time to get off our soapbox. It's...

Job Order Centric

Job Order Centric Video
Dem's AHA Moment! Dem does a lot of training of top recruiters, and all he hears lately is, “It’s a Candidate Driven Market”. People are still talking about a ba...

Job Order Qualifying Basics

Job Order Qualifying Basics Video
The single biggest mistake recruiter’s make in today's market is in qualifying Job Orders. The only thing that hasn't changed in the last ten years is that you still have to...


Retainers! Video
The market is hot! It's getting hotter every day. More and more companies are retaining search companies to find their talent. Mid- level retainers are out there! Have you asked...

Working Higher Levels

Working Higher Levels Video
AKA: Elephant Hunting! If your average Placement Fee is R20 000.00, you have to make 5 Placements to bill R100 000.00, right? Right. So why not work HI...

Marketing Madness!

Marketing Madness! Video
So let's assess the industry over the last 5 years. Thirty percent of our industry is gone. The good news is you're still here. You're a fighter and you'll outwork this market. At...

Objections Overruled!

Objections Overruled! Video
We Shall Overcome Objections: But which ones? Some are merely brush- offs, and there is nothing to overcome and it's best you end the call and move on. Some are opportunities, and...

Please Hurry Up And Quit!

Please Hurry Up And Quit! Video
Enough of this silliness. Let's get crazy and run our agencies like businesses. In this session we will discuss:Goals and Objectives for the contemporary recruiter....

Meltdown Management

Meltdown Management Video
She needs to see you. Right now. She's crying. She can't do this anymore. She's confused. She's been a big biller. She's thinking of leaving. She wants to stay. Every placement...

6 Degrees of Separation

6 Degrees of Separation Video
Is it “a small world after all” like the song says? Networking is a personal thing, but is a critical tool in making placements. Your a...