Job Orders

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Hi Dem,

We had a client that we made several placements with. The last one was 6 months ago. They became a 20 to 1 sendout to placement ratio. Our average is 5 to 1. I had a personal relationship with the decision maker and had to (as you would say!) 'fire' them yesterday. I dread the "phone call" that they will make when they see we are recruiting from them! What language would you use on that call?
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Hi Dem,

How would you respond to this?

My client is one that I've made placements with in the past. The decision maker (FD) did a telephonic interview with our candidate and liked him. The problem is the FD is located in Cape Town and travels extensively. The position and candidate are in Johannesburg.

I suggested they fly the candidate in to meet with the FD. Client said because of the level of position (it's a mid- management position) they wouldn't pay for the flight. I sense there is no urgency to fill the position and I should place the candidate elsewhere.

This morning I got this email from HR... Unfortunately the FD isn't moving as quickly as we both wish he would. As I said earlier, he (the candidate) needs to do what's best for him, even if it means we lose him. I know it drives you crazy, it also drives me crazy, especially given the difficulties of finding candidates he likes.

I'm thinking about paying for the flight myself, but wanted to get your opinion.

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Hi Dem,

My client is being way too stingy, for lack of a better word. The salary they are offering for a specific position is nowhere near market- related. How do I get them to increase the salary so I can work on the Job?
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Hi Dem,

I have a very good client right now who has given me 3 great jobs to work. The problem is, they make the candidate go through 7 interviews and a psychometric test before making a decision! I don’t want to upset them by telling them that they don’t know what they’re doing. Is there a way to handle this tactfully where I can get them to understand why the process needs to move faster?
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Hi Dem,

I'm getting a lot of Jobs, but once I send CV's, the clients are not getting back to me or returning my calls. They tell me it's urgent and then nothing happens. At what point do you give up? is there a formula or check list you use for which Jobs you should continue to work, and which ones should go into file 13?
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Hi Dem,

We had an urgent spec for a good client of mine which we worked for a full week solid. We finally found some candidates and they told us they had filled the position internally. When i took the job order I asked the client where he was in the hiring process and if they had identified any internal candidates. he said 'no'. What can I do to prevent this problem? Waste of my time!
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