Dem Live! In-house Training

See what happens when Dem comes to your office and fresh eyes size up your company.
Select from our most popular Recruiter Programs.

Mini Seminars

Classroom style mini- seminar. A shot in the arm in a particular weak area or a current ‘hot’ topic in staffing. Marketing, Recruiting, Closing, Counter Offers, you pick the subject base on your needs.

Desk Audit

You let Dem walk around. He’ll ask questions, and interview everyone. He follows the paper/ E- trail. He finds out what changes you need to make. This “fresh eyes” approach works so well, most of his In- House clients have worked with him for a decade.

You get a written report based on findings.


Dem’s famous “Intensive Care”. You have a recruiter who used to perform well but is failing and losing confidence, a superstar who’s lost their way, a gifted rookie who hasn’t broken through yet, a marginal performer who needs to reach the next level.

Intensity Program

Dem is famous for his motivational seminars. SORRY, you’ll have to come motivated. No seminar this time. In fact, no lecture, no pre- packaged PowerPoint, Nothing you have heard. In fact there IS NO MATERIAL.


Here’s how it works:

You tell Dem what your Daily Desk Issues are!

He will take each issue, and yes, he will ad-lib, and yes, he will bring to bear his knowledge and freaky mind and his own experience. But YOU participate, with INTENSITY, and over the course of the session, we follow this structure:

For each issue we review the Conventional Wisdom and pound the basics in role play.

Then we ask honestly if the basics still work or if the market has changed and if we decide it has, we brainstorm new, daring and even crazy ways to do it better. (This is how Dem runs and how he has created many of the ground breaking methods you have learned from him).

The very Nature of IN-HOUSE means you can design your own program based on your situation. We have served solo acts and the largest franchises in the country. We have found that most of us, at the end of the day, share the same problems.

Request Form

Contact Dem for a free consultation on how IN-HOUSE can help your business grow.

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