Fee Qualifying and Negotiating
In this Module, you will learn how to Qualify Fees, and how to fight the Fee Objection. The most important thing to remember about Fees is, if you don't believe you're worth your fee, you will never convince anyone else, least of all your clients! The message: Stand up for what you charge and fight hard!
- 20% to 15% What's the Difference?
- Offsetting the Fee Concern
- Your Tone and Language
- When do you talk about Your Fee?
- Should you Never Negotiate?
- Qualifying Your Fee
- The 3 Most Powerful Fee Negotiating Phrases
- Fee Rebuttals
- Recently Added Fee Fighting Technique
- Are you Negotiable?
- Negotiating After Signing
- The 'Quick Save 'options below are for those situations where you're just not sure what to say!
- Conclusion