Script review

Is your script still working? Has it EVER worked?

Wouldn’t you like some tips from an expert who has literally written thousands of scripts? Submit your scripts to us and get Dem’s feedback.

Don’t get us wrong. Scripts by themselves won’t make you a proficient Recruiter, any more than learning a dozen phrases in French will make you a fluent conversationalist on your next trip to Paris.

But without an underlying foundation of phrases (and the understanding behind their use), the art of recruiting can be difficult to master. There’s little to be gained by being caught in a tight situation, hung by the very ropes you’ve so generously given yourself.

You can also submit your Marketing script, Recruiting script, or your version of a rebuttal to some tough objection and we’ll either praise it, polish it, or show you a different way!

Submit your Script

Dem or a member of his Big Biller network will get back to you within 24 hours with a response.